SOCCER – a banned sport, you bet

No Soccer

No Soccer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SOCCER BANNED ?  YOU BET IT WAS  …… Most modern versions of  Soccer or football are believed to have originated from England in the twelfth century. The game became so popular in England that the kings of that time namely King Henry II and King Henry IV actually banned it !

These kings believed that soccer was taking away interest from the traditional sports of England, such as fencing and archery.

These two kings were actually wise beyond thier time as Soccer has become the most popular sport in the world.

You have Players that are loved, teams that are revered, goals, dribbles and sprints. Huge crowds, chanting, cheering, singing and yes, sometimes even fighting. Mind boggling sums of money change hands for the purchase of Soccer Clubs, Soccer Players, Soccer Sponsorships and Soccer bets.

Soccer bets and betting

Play and place soccer bes with usBecause so many people play and watch soccer, placing a soccer bet or betting on this sport has become the “norm”, with just about every sportsbooks in the world offering bets on soccer and it’s matches. A Soccer bet can be tricky as there is a ton of competition out there and many experienced soccer bettors.

Successfully betting on soccer is an exciting and challenging game. There are a lot of things that you need to account for such as …Players and subsequently, teams, thier age, will they get hurt or are they hurt and will they have a bad day, what is thier current form etc, which makes it difficult to always predict and choose the correct winner, the number of goals that will be scored or whatever else your soccer bet is going to be.

Thankfully today soccer is not banned and enjoys the highest of status in the world of sport. This is the huge passion of the “The world of Soccer”.


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